Sunday 11 October 2009

Continuing Debate

More debate has been brought forth in recent days over the idea of minimum pricing on super strength alcohol.

As wine now is so strong in the UK that an average bottle contains between 9 and 12 units this must also be a target surely.

Please don't anyone out there fool themselves it is not just the kids in the parks and the tramps in the underpass who are drinking to excess, it's pretty much anyone who enjoys a couple of glasses of a decent wine.

Let's get this debate moving folks

Friday 2 October 2009

More stupidity

I see this week that there have been two major items of news with regards to alcohol.

1. A report backs the idea of minimum pricing per unit.

2. Gordon Brown is to give local authorities the power to prevent 24 hour licences.

Firstly the idea of minimum pricing is to prevent alcoholics and those with serious alcohol issues from obtaining strong drink. Put simply people in this situation will find the alcohol and the money for it regardless of the cost. It will however increase levels of petty crime and or indebtedness within that particular group of individuals.

Secondly local authorities are often dominated by councillors who have a NIMBY attitude and have no understanding of the nature of this subject. There is little or no education within the authority and even less n the community. Simply using archaic powers will only drive the problems underground.