Tuesday 29 November 2011

Seeing Double

Today I have been talking about the physiology of alcohol and I in doing so I have come across a group of people who have clearly redesigned the human body.


Well according to one person I have been working with has been told by an accredited drug and alcohol service that humans have two stomachs. One is for food and one is for drugs and alcohol!!!!!

Yesterday I had someone come to me to tell me that his daughter told her science teacher about synapses and the chemical 'switch' system called neurotransmitters. The answer she received back was that they don't exist and you don't need to know that rubbish!

Well I ask you how on earth can anyone fight that kind of utter incompetence? If accredited services don't understand anatomy and physiology and a science teacher who doesn't even understand basic nerve structure what chance do our children have?

Next week I have been invited to talk on another radio show. I am so happy to do this because this sort of thing needs to be highlighted.

That said it comes back to this:

The symbiotic relationship between the alcohol industry and the alcohol abolitionists and therapists continues. This is a game more large and more deep than Berne could ever have envisaged. It is almost as if the ordinary person with alcohol challenges or the man in the street seeking true knowledge are stuck between the scotch and the rocks. And they are certainly left seeing double! 

Monday 21 November 2011

Video killed the radio star....Not

For those of you of a certain age you will remember the tag line from one of the 1980s most prolific songs. Ah the 1980s an era of yuppies and pre-defined hedonism. They say of the 1960s if you can remember them you weren't there well of the 80s not only was I most definitely there but I remember them with a clarity that cannot be described on this gentle blog.

However on the subject of alcohol it was the decade when everything really changed.

I was working last week on a lecture tour taking in the South East of England, primarily Kent, when on arriving back in my hotel room overlooking the wonderful and soulful River Medway I received an e-mail with an invite. It was an invite to a radio debate on the BBC during alcohol awareness week.

What week? I ask you say.

Alcohol awareness week I answer.

Never heard of it, comes your woeful reply.

Well you've probably never heard of it because when the massed ranks of the PR industry get to work with the millions supplied by the alcohol industry you're kind of going to be diverted. And those of us seek to educate are once again left drowning in the dregs of the barman's slops.

Anyway this radio star agreed to the debate and hauled his none too slim frame back up the M4 to Swindon to be involved in a lively mid morning debate on the virtues or not of alcohol. Mark O'Donnell and the team at BBC Wiltshire were brilliant as they always are when I work with the station and the enthusiasm shown tells me that the licence fee is worth every penny however the great shame was that we could not go on for longer because as it was Children in Need day someone needed to be interviewed naked in a bath of baked beans or the like.

And that is the point I wish to make here. Many of the Children in Need in the United Kingdom are in need because of the damage that alcohol is doing to their family. They have no idea what is going on but learn from the twisted environment in which they live. This means that when they are adults they will ultimately make the same mistakes that their parents made a generation before them. How I ask is that useful?

Those of you who know me know that I do not seek the abolition of alcohol. Anyone doing so is quite frankly living in cloud cuckoo land. Alcohol has been around since man first civilised so stopping it now is a non starter. What we can do is seek to influence the way in which people consume so that they do less damage to themselves and ultimately less damage to subsequent generations.

And we can only seek to influence through carefully targeted educational programmes that work on the psyche of both young and old. We need to seek out new frontiers and go boldly where... oh sorry I'll take off the Captain Kirk mask for a minute but you get my drift , don't you?

We need real education now on the subject of alcohol.We need it in our schools, in our workplace and in our homes. Otherwise we are in danger of losing yet another generation of children to the wastelands of the future. They are confused and there is no clear message so in the words of the great Ali G

Keep it Real!

If you're interested here's the link to the radio programme http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p00lh7jw#synopsis