Sunday 25 March 2012

A few more drops

For those who know me they know my motto:

Enough small drops together make a tidal wave.

This particular part of my blog I would like to dedicate to all those people who have helped in making a difference in peoples lives when it comes to alcohol.

You cannot make someone change but you can support them as they effect the changes they have decided upon.

It is that support that is vital. Alcoholism is a lonely place. No where in this world are you more in a crowd yet eerily isolated from that crowd. You could shout all day and all night but the chance of someone hearing you is slim.

So I would like to pay tribute to those that I have known who work so tirelessly, and selflessly to help others. And to that crowd of people I would like to welcome someone new, my twitter friend Mike Andrews. Here is someone with no knowledge of the world of pain that alcohol brings who saw someone on the street and decided to get involved. He made a courageous decision because most people would have walked on by. He chose not to and although I have counselled him at great length of the pitfalls that he faces he still took that first awesome step to help someone else.

Please read Mike's blog (he's new to this as well)  and offer him the encouragement that he will need. For the task he has undertaken is a tough one. He knows that I am there to support him in anyway that I can but the more drops we can bring together the greater the impact.

One thing I love about the ability to blog and to tweet in an invisible world is the power that has to bring together so many people with so many skills who can help move things forward.

If we are truly going to effect some kind of culture shift when it comes to alcohol then it cannot be done by minimum pricing, prohibition or the drunk tank. It has to be done by people coming together, learning together, supporting each other and moving the goalposts.

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