Wednesday 27 June 2012

Alcohol the ultimate Atkin's diet

What a strange day it has turned out to be thanks to this story

Strange because I've been teaching this for the last 25 years, well in a round about way that is. You see alcohol is a carbohydrate that doesn't work like a carbohydrate and effectively your body enters Atkin's mode when you live purely off booze. This is why extreme alcoholics are thin.

Yes I know you get a beer belly but that is because normal drinkers continue to consume normal food amounts alongside their normal drinking and a pint of beer holds between 180 and 300 empty calories per pint on average.

So I am really glad that this study has finally come out and shown what we've all really known about but were too scared to talk about in public for fear of masses of litigation by the massive dieting industry. It's simple really carbohydrates are required in your diet so get used to that idea. You don't need loads but you do need them and if you really want to lose weight well it's all about cutting down slightly across the spectrum of food that you eat, not targeting a food area, and exercising slightly more.And it takes time there are no quick fixes! Simples really!

On a second note you are probably aware that I have no love of this sociopathic government in power particularly the way in which the poor and needy are going to suffer as a result of benefit changes in a time when there is no serious alternative for lots of people. This is particularly true in the area of mental health called addiction. However I'm going to blog about this at a later date for in this part of the blog I actually am going to praise David Cameron.

You see there has been a massive outcry over the fact he left his young child at the pub. As a parent I can not throw any stones here because the same happened to me with my beloved youngest son when he was four and we were on a trip to Disneyland Paris. One minute he was there the next he wasn't as everyone had assumed that someone else had taken responsibility. Luckily the fantastic Disney staff had him whisked him away to the security of lost children where we found him happily drawing away after he had been found queuing for a ride! So I don't blame the Prime Minister for that aberration although I do wonder about the security team. No the reason I am talking about this is because he took his children to the pub. By taking this action he has done what any European parent knows Don't mystify alcohol! However I can't help having a dig because if he doesn't help educators like myself work to educate the body politic then his Government is doing exactly that.

Come on Dave be brave and admit that you need people like me. People who are serious about effecting change and not about creating a diversive society!


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