Tuesday 11 September 2012

And should these lands in Ancient Times....

Interesting title scary subject.

None of us like talking about old age, everyone has a secret fear of death because we don't know what is going to happen. Even those who have absolute faith will at this time of life harbour some doubt and this is perfectly normal. Some however find dealing with the passing years more difficult, particularly those who are either long term single without children or those who have lost a dearly loved, possibly life long companion.

And unfortunately it means that some of us drink too much as we live out our daily lives.

The real question is does it really matter if you enjoy a tipple in these twilight times?

Professor Ian Gilmore commented about chronic disease in the elderly caused by alcohol on BBC Breakfast last Friday. I did radio interviews yesterday on the same subject. Yet we differ on one important factor. The chronic illnesses will not start generally in elder years they are a legacy of heavy or inappropriate drinking in those younger and middle years!

Stopping the elderly will stop acute drinking problems however the long term history is the real and present danger for not just our present generation of elderly but generations to come,

If someone wants to have a little tipple in their sixties onwards then we should not berate them for it. What we should do if we are worried about them is talk to them.

One of the most difficult things that children and grandchildren face is discussing a delicate subject with elders particularly if the younger generations exhibit the same behaviour. In my family as a student at university coming home and talking to my father about his alcoholism was a non starter. Talking to my mother was even worse. After all he was Scottish Protestant she was Irish Catholic.

It was only after mum was dead and dad had disappeared that my grandmother and I discussed the situation. It was enlightening and yet tragic how we as families do not really talk about those problems.

My take on the subject is quite simple.

If you are worried, if you think it's a problem, if you don't know what to do then open your mouth and talk about it. If not with the person then with someone else you trust. Don't hide it and don't brush it under the carpet because I can assure you from bitter experience it will destroy your family ............and may be your life.

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