Sunday 15 January 2012

Doctor, Doctor

Ah so you tell the truth when you go to the doctor don't you!

When you're asked that awkward question about how much you drink you always answer with true and open honesty keeping your integrity in tact. Well maybe just a little white lie then.

The unfortunate thing is even if you tell the truth the doctor will assume that you are lying and write down a highly inflated figure. Now this figure gets sent off to epidemiologists who have the task of correlating this with the amount of disease, mortality and morbidity within the population, Thus they can report their ultra scientific findings to various Royal Colleges. In turn these Royal Colleges can advise those ultra scientific MPs who can ultimately tell the man in the street what is and isn't safe.

This is bad education based on bad medicine based on bad science based on bad information. There is no such thing as a safe limit and everyone who knows anything about alcohol can tell you that!

Trying to make alcohol a precise science is like trying to make gold from lead. It isn't going to happen. No scientist can accurately tell me how much alcohol is broken down by my liver in any given time period. No scientist can tell me how much alcohol will cause exactly how much damage to my body. I have been working in and around alcohol for over 30 years and even with the most up to date physiological tests I can only really guess at the damage that is done to an individual, It is an educated guess but all the same an educated guess is still a guess with some education thrown in.

Let us stop the smoke and mirrors, let us stop the funding of those who give us smoke and mirrors and let us have a Royal Commission to look at it all. Let us move forward together so that real information is disseminated  to the public and so our children, who deserve our total care, get the best knowledge now.

What is simple is that the message is being fogged by those who would seek to benefit from the misery that alcohol can inflict. But remember guns don't kill people, people do. Alcohol can only cause this problem if we chose to put it down our necks, Let us go about showing people that they have a choice!

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