Monday 23 January 2012

A Joint, A Joint my Kingdom for Joint by Richard the Branson

OK so it's a play on words but what do you expect from this commentator, Shakespeare?

I was travelling back from Liverpool tonight listening to a feisty debate on BBC Radio5 Live about the rights and wrongs of the decriminalisation of cannabis and other drugs and I kept thinking to myself where have I heard this all before. And of course it struck me. I've said it before only about alcohol.

You know how I go on about alcohol and how there is this argument that always beats around the bush with the same players on the same sides arguing the same thing. Well guess what we're at that point with drugs now too.

Look people how many times do I have to say it. Prohibition doesn't work.

The funniest thing came from the ex Police Officer who started on the my truncheon is bigger than yours with the drugs campaigner all because he had spent 40 years fighting the criminality of drugs compared to the mere 30 years knowledge of the guy supporting decriminalisation. How pathetic can you get.

That said though he highlighted the problem. Children are unteachable because of cannabis. No children do not want to be brainwashed by Victorian ideas right out of the little red book of Chairman Mao. Children want to be inspired. Children want to feel there is a future.

If you really want to stop children wasting their future on drugs and alcohol then you have to inspire them into thinking in a different way.

There is a third way when it comes to alcohol and drugs and it comes through inspiration not castigation. 

Teach our parents the truth, teach our teachers to inspire and teach our politicians to stop playing for votes.

After all the mark of any civilised society is it's ability to overcome adversity in a way that treats everyone with dignity and equality, It is about how we treat people that matters and it is about how we develop for the betterment of humanity.

Remember all that glitters is not gold and the quality of mercy is not strained.

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