Monday 23 April 2012

Morning All

I recently saw a piece on BBC Breakfast about the morning after in relation to drinking and driving. Well about time too.

It makes absolutely no difference if you are a certain level at 9am or 9pm the alcohol will have the same impact upon your body.

1. Sleeping does not speed up the time taken to remove alcohol from your body! So when you're told to sleep it off it's not to speed up the rate of removal of alcohol it's because the person having to deal with you is fed up of playing nanny to you!

2. Drinking water will not speed up the rate of removal of alcohol but it will help you stay hydrated and lessen the impacts of the diuretic nature of alcohol

3. Drinking black coffee or heavily caffeinated energy drinks will not make the slightest of difference and actually in the long run likely to make you feel worse because of the diuretic effect of caffeine. And by the way you do not derive energy from caffeine it merely stimulates the brain and the heart and gives a false sense of energy.

4. You are less dangerous when you've had a sleep. Nonsense the level of risk is not associated with sleep it's associated with the level of intoxicant in your body and the consequential shutdown of the nervous system.

We do not talk about the morning after EVER and that potentially is a fatal mistake. It's not just about driving it's about all walks of life. People have not a clue at the rate of elimination of alcohol from the human body. This whole one unit per hour thing is total and utter nonsense. There is no physiologist,yet,  on this planet who is able to precisely tell how fast any individual removes alcohol from the body. It is all about smoke and mirrors again.

Please enjoy your evening out but as Winston once famously said:

 "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail" 

The morning after is not just about the pill!

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