Monday 7 May 2012

Junkies of the world unite

There are different classes of drugs and different schedules of drugs, legal drugs are used illegally and prescription medications are taken incorrectly by millions of people.

With the new proposed law on drug driving and the hype surrounding it then I see a lot of pensioners and disabled people being forced from the roads. Why? Because we are about to go down the same route as we did in 1967 with drinking and driving where a political solution was a half baked badly thought out compromise with no real long term strategy,

Let's get one thing straight there is a law on the statute books that allows the prosecution of drug drivers right now. By setting a political not a physiological or psychological limit we are making drug driving as idiosyncratic as drink driving.

I do not want to see drug driving to be seen as okay but I want to turn around the whole idea of substance abuse and driving full stop. And as the person who has personally worked with more offenders than anyone else in the United Kingdom who fall into this category then it would seem wise of the Government to at least take my views into account!

Unfortunately that is unlikely to happen because this government is not a government of substance it is a government of sound bites. A government that has more cracks in it than the Giants Causeway, And it sees this as a way of gaining good publicity.

I am passionate about preventing death and serious injury on the road and those who know my story know that I will stop at nothing to change our society's perception of what is and what isn't safe when related substance abuse and driving but I do not want to see a few scapegoats.


And to do that we need a strategy based around investment in our future, Education, Public Transport, Cultural Intolerance, Effective Policing and appropriate punishment. Not a policy based around allowing a poorly trained police force and an uneducated public come face to face in a stand off where there can be only one loser......Society

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