Thursday 24 May 2012

Janus is here

Janus is the famed Roman God with two faces facing in opposite directions. Mythology states that this is all about beginnings and transitions. Well that's what is happening today by the look of things.

Let me start with Mr Duncan-Smith's idiotic plan to cut the benefits of alcoholics and drug abusers. I'm just wondering where all the funding is going to come from to deal with all this addiction therapy because it is going to cost an awful lot more than the benefits that are handed out. Or perhaps it's going to be all those kind volunteers (sorry workplace trainees) that will be giving out the therapy for free. Secondly as drug or drink rehabilitation is a long and very complex program then where will the addicts get their money from to live? Well watch out the crime rate will rise because of the lossof those police officers laid off by the kindly Mrs May just to help out the lifelong criminals. Funnily enough they're not likely to stop drinking (current therapy success rates run at about 40 percent in a very good environment) so what part of the Private Health Service (Sorry Mr Lansley I know you're still calling the National Health Service) will be there to help them out?

Do I sound cynical in my old age? Quite possibly but that is the reality of the plans being proposed by an already discredited Work and Pensions secretary responsible for the wholesale destruction of the fundamentally  needy in the United Kingdom. Disabled or ill people, we don't need them anymore do we? Well not according to the Government. So the good news is that new improved Ethnic cleansing has arrived in the UK and guess what we don't need to even buy the bullets we can just let them starve to death!

And so to the second news of the day to do with alcohol, Luke McCormick, the ex Plymouth Argyle goalkeeper involved in the fatal car crash because of his drinking and driving. The word is that he is being released from prison and that Swindon Town are going to offer him a trial. Jeremy Wray the Swindon Chairman has acknowledged he is ready for the backlash., for backlash there will certainly be, but not from this commentator.

Let me make something perfectly clear. I have nothing but sympathy for the Peak family. Losing their children in such an horrific way doesn't even bear thinking about for this father and it was absolutely right that Luke McCormick went to jail. Arron and Ben Peak should not be forgotten ever but this story should not be about vengeance it should be about hope. Hope that we can move on, hope that we can take this terrible situation and turn it into something positive.

Before people start to castigate me I want you to ask yourself a very important question.

Could I have been in Luke McCormick's position?

Well the answer to that is simply yes. Reaching twice the drink drive limit (McCormick's reading)   can be a simple as drinking just TWO PINTS of Stella Artois or Blackthorn. Now think on that. You see pretty much anyone of the 22000 plus people I have worked with over the last 15 years who have been convicted of Drink Driving could have been in his position. And so could you!

Nothing will bring back Arron and Ben but with positive education to prevent things like this happening maybe just maybe this will bring the focus back to drinking and driving rather than all the baloney that is being talked about drugs and driving.

1 in 3 people in the United Kingdom drink and drive on a regular basis, that's 10 yes 10 million drivers.

9 out of 10 drivers have done it at some point in their lives

Jeremy Wray, I wish you well and in many ways I salute you. If you need my help you know where to find me.

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