Thursday 16 February 2012

Baby Robert, the New Baby P

Today I sit and shed another tear for another baby's life cut short as a result of neglect and incompetence.

Baby Robert, for that is his official name was found dead next to his highly intoxicated mother on a sofa having been abandoned by the Southend Council's protection teams. You may find the word abandoned harsh but that is the reality of what has happened. A serious case review concluded that local health services had  become desensitised to the problems of alcohol and drug abuse due to high numbers of patients.

This is wrong, plain and simple.

Desensitisation comes about through two things, firstly an overexposure to the same horrific stimuli and secondly by a lack of training and education on how to overcome the signs and symptoms of desesitisation.

In the case of alcohol abuse as is what apparently happened here it is clear that that lack of education is a fundamental part of the problem. I can name one official agency who has explained to people under it's care that human beings have two stomachs, one for food and one for alcohol and drugs.

Baroness Newlove's £1 million pound scheme will not scratch this surface, especially as it would appear that 1/10th of that has already been allocated to one town. We need serious changes of attitude and we need them now.

I have been campaigning for education in the subject of alcohol for years. I am no killjoy and I enjoy a glass of wine or a pint of beer, and yes I had wild times as a youngster too, but the reality is the fundamental lack of knowledge is driven by a smoke and mirrors attitude of a society determined to be it's own worst enemy.

We need true inspiration and education to stop our decline into destitution and yesterday I yet again challenged the Prime Minister to meet with me.

Here is a message I give to our society.

I will go door to door if I have to, become more annoying than any double glazing salesman or preacher but I will fight till the day I die for proper true and unbiased information for the public with regards to alcohol. Proper education NOW! for the bodies are already starting to pile up.

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