Friday 10 February 2012

The streets are paved with......

In the thirty plus years I have worked in the alcohol field there is one thing that I have come to understand beyond anything and that is this: Alcohol is as unpredictable as a Great White Shark. 

Now the shark experts will tell you that I'm being unfair in demonising the Great White however when it comes to alcohol we are talking about one of the greatest predators known to man. It tracks you, it creeps up on you and it finally eats you alive. And that is what happens with those who are addicted. And if you suddenly remove their final life support system in one go there can only be one end.

And why is that important? Well the idea that the Mayor of London has had in following the pattern of the US in having sobriety sentences could actually lead to the death of someone. Why? Because if you go cold turkey on booze when you are completely physically dependent upon it your system cannot physically cope with the withdrawal symptoms and shuts down.

So I'm afraid if we start using this new wonderful system then we may, albeit unwittingly, pass a death sentence on an individual for merely shouting their mouth off.

I welcome new ways of thinking about how to deal with the scourge of alcohol but I am seriously concerned that enforced sobriety may cause more harm than good. Without education and proper knowledge of how alcohol works and why it does the things it does we need tough minded individuals and organisations prepared to really take a difficult situation and use the Gandi method of change.

It is not about control it is about inspiration!

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