Tuesday 14 February 2012

Newlove or old story

On Valentine's Day it is perhaps important that a Baroness carrying the title Newlove should come to the fore. Her call to arms on education in alcohol will probably go further than my 30 years of nagging at the edges but so what we need to educate and we nee to educate now. But seriously £1 million, that's like trying to crack a tank with a pea shooter. And most of that will go on silly administrative schemes that will make no difference.

If I had that million pounds not one penny would be spent on anything other than direct educational resources for young people. But I worry that most of it will be frittered away paying for anything but. And that is my point.

Big Alcohol, like Big Tobacco, is a multi-Billion pound industry that can afford to spend vast amounts on armies of PR consultants to fight the good fight. The opposition can muster nothing. It's like the Polish army riding on their horses to fight the slaughter of blitzkrieg. And what is worse than that, there is a spy in the camp giving away the family secrets, and that is the very Government that seeks to make you believe it cares about tackling the ravages of booze.

There is a way to make things happen that is cost effective and will get powerful education to the children and it doesn't involve shocking them. I have a solution but I doubt if I will get a call.

So is it a new love on Valentines Day or the same old disappointment?


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