Wednesday 19 October 2011

My Dad

Happy Birthday Dad, you would have been 73 today.
You will never know what an inspiration you were to me.
You will never know how much you influenced who I am.
You never really understood how I looked up to you or how much I loved you,
I just wish I knew why you loved a whisky bottle more that your son.
I just wish I could understand what drove you to your self destruction
I long for those lost years
I long for less tears
I just wish you could have always been the man I knew at the end
For that was the dad and the grandad to my children I always dreamed of.
You were not bad but you were weak.
I have forgiven those weaknesses because I wonder if I could have been stronger
I just hope you are at peace
I just hope you will understand
I just hope that others who pass on this journey will pass the test better than I
I love you Dad, Happy Birthday

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