Sunday 9 October 2011

Now that is the pot calling the kettle!

You may remember the previous input about and my dislike of the way in which the alcohol industry portrays itself. Now it's time for me to show you the opposite side of the coin and talk about the abolitionists and detractors.

The Sunday Times carried on it's front page a small but not insignificant article today with regards to the drinking habits of Members of Parliament. The medical profession had decided to attack MP's who according to them are exhibiting alcoholic behaviour patterns.

Maybe the medical profession needs to be reminded that the highest rate of abuse of alcohol is within their own four walls and although the 600 plus MP's may be influential on our society the tens of thousands of doctors are more influential at the grass roots because people ultimately still trust their doctors whereas they are ambivalent to their MP!

And as most doctors have little or no real knowledge of alcohol then why do they think that they are best placed to criticise anyway?

The medical profession needs to put it's own house in order first before they try and take the moral high ground relating to the misuse of alcohol and come to that drugs. Leave it to those of us who have made alcohol and it's challenges our lifelong work. Leave it to the real professionals! Because if the message gets lost the only beneficiaries will be the alcohol companies 

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