Tuesday 4 October 2011

Water, water everywhere but not a drop to drink

I sometimes wonder how pathetic the great manipulators, the alcohol companies, really can be.

I have never been anti-alcohol. I enjoy a drink as much as the next person, but I am anti binge drinking and excessive drinking for I see all to clearly the damage that this does.

A friend of mine on twitter who owns a very well established and successful business retailing and wholesaling non alcoholic wines told me that drinkaware refused to put a link from their website to his. This is ridiculous and they know it. What it does show though that like big tobacco, alcohol companies will go about using their PR machine to prevent any semblance of education or choice.

People who sell non alcoholic wines and beers are not generally anti alcohol they just want to operate a business where people can make a choice based on a product. After all Toyota brought us the Prius and that hasn't stopped people buying other non hybrid Toyota cars, or Ferraris come to that. And interestingly enough the alcohol companies can make exceedingly good non alcoholic wines and beers but chose not to heavily market them themselves as the profit margins tend to be lower.

So come on drinkaware.co.uk get your act together. You are supposed to be promoting education and choice not denying it. You are getting as bad as Alcohol Concern who have the exact opposite views but still deny education and choice.

We live in a world where we can educate and get free choice through that education, give us some credit please and start treating us like grown ups!

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